Haleakala National Park just posted an interesting tidbit on their Facebook page:

For those lucky to live on or to be visiting the island of Maui right now, today is Lahaina Noon. At 12:22, the sun will be directly overhead and will not create a shadow for objects and people standing up straight.

Lahaina Noon is an interesting astronomical phenomenon that happens only twice a year, only in the tropics: At the exact time of Lahaina Noon, which can occur anywhere from 12:17 to 12:43 p.m., objects that stand straight up (like flagpoles, telephone poles, etc.) will not cast a shadow.

Lahaina means “cruel sun” in the Hawaiian language but prior to the 1990’s, the event was called kau ka lā i ka lolo which translates as “the sun rests on the brains.”

Perhaps less spectacular than a solar eclipse, you’re much more likely to catch sight of this phenomenon. Just plan a trip to Hawaii this time next year!