Luxury Travel Advisor as 2016 Trendsetters

Luxury Travel Advisor recently debuted their first “Trendsetters” issue, in which key players at the most prestigious luxury travel agencies in North America are highlighted. Each of the agencies who have graced the cover of LTA over the past 11 years were asked to nominate their highest producers, innovative sales people, and general trendsetters.

Both Robin DeVaughn of All Horizons Travel, A FROSCH Company, and Joanne Kruger of the FROSCH Deerfield office were selected. Robin cites versatility as the most important trait a travel advisor must possesses for both success and longevity in the industry, having re-invented herself many times over her successful career. Joanne shares her travel motto – “It is not fair to compare.” Joanne works as a generalist, expertly servicing both corporate and leisure clients, and finds it hard to pick a favorite destination or trip, as each of them has its own unique personality.

For more about Robin and Joanne’s approaches to travel consultancy and their journeys in the industry, click here to read Luxury Travel Advisor’s full article.

Congratulations Robin and Joanne – we’re so proud of you!