Thumbnail - 5 Colorful Destinations Around the World

Burano, Italy: Legend goes that the technicolor houses on the small island of Burano were painted so that Venetian fishermen could pick out their own homes through the fog.

 Valparaiso, Chile: As the cultural hub of Chile, Valparaiso’s residents decorate this port city with brightly colored houses and buildings, and equally fantastic murals and street art.

Brighton Beach, Australia: The brightly colored beach boxes that line the sand of Melbourne’s Brighton Beach are unlike anything else in the world. Each of the tiny boxes are individually owned and passed down through generations.

Bo-Kaap, South Africa: This Cape Town neighborhood draws its vibrant colors from its Malay cultural roots. The area is now one of the trendiest neighborhoods in Cape Town, filled with a number of restaurants and wine bars.

Keukenhof, Netherlands: Every year, more than 7 million tulips are planted in Keukenhof, turning Holland’s fields into a rainbow of fascinating color.

5 Colorful Destinations Around the World